SHYAMSAR TALAB - Shyamsar Talab is situated at near Hira chowk in Charkhi Dadri District. Shyamsar Talab was built by Sitaram Seth during the 17th century Mughal period. Sitaram Seth was originally from Dadri and is said to have moved to Delhi at the time of construction of the Red Fort and started working there. While working in the Red Fort, there came a time when the Mughal emperor made Sitaram his treasurer's assistant. Architecture - Blue and brown stones have been used from the hill of Kaliyana to make this pond about 40 feet deep. Four ghats, waterfall ghat, Gau ghat, Khatu Shyam ghat and Sitaram ghat were built on the Shyamsar pond, which are almost destroyed now. In each ghat, 101 steps have been made to get down into the pond and a separate place has been made for cows in Gau Ghat from where they can drink the water of the pond. Chatri has been built using Mughal architecture on the way of every ghat. 8 wells and temples were built all around this pond, out of ...